About me

(for english scroll down)

  • Navnet er Brian, og jeg kom til verden i slutningen af 1975.
  • Er født og opvokset i en forstad nord for København, og bor der stadig.
  • Familie har jeg desværre ikke så meget af. 
  • Er pt. single.
  • Lever sammen med en herlig laaaang sort hankat: Felix

  •  Natur, jagt, dyreliv, friluftsliv, bøger, hygge, tv, lystfiskeri og fotografering er blandt interesserne.
    Canada og Alaska (USA) er også blandt interesserne. Vil meget gerne opleve disse steder, og måske også immigrere dertil.
  • Siden 1995 har jeg arbejdet for Post Danmark

  • My name is Brian, and I was born in late 1975.
  • Was born and raised in a subhurb north of COPENHAGEN (the capital) of Denmark.
  • Don't have so much family.
  • Single.
  • Living with my looong black tomcat Felix
    • Nature, wildlife, hunting, outdoors living, books, relaxing, having a good time with people I like, surfing the web, facebook, my blog, television, Dick Proenneke are some of the things i like. Doing a little bit of photography and fishing.
    • Dreaming about visiting Canada and Alaska, and maby immigrate to Canada or the U.S. Of cause due to my facination by the nature and wildlife of those biotopes. Already have a good friend in Canada, and a few facebook-friends in the US.

    •  Since 1995 I have been working for the danish postal services Post Danmark